Support / Person to contact:

How can we help you?

Did you forget your password?

Please use self-service to request a new one. You will find the processing at the end of our online docu:

English docu, German docu.

With each new login you have to request a new password?

The problem is that you try to login with you email address instead with your user name.

Please use your "BSH-FX username and password" and not "email address and password".

Do you want to change the receiver email address of your user/mailbox?

After login you can change the email settings in self-service. See "Configuration / User profile" in our docu:

English docu, German docu.

Do you have other problems?

If you are BSH employee please contact BSH servicedesk:

or local phone number

If you are an external partner please contact:

BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Global Information Technology
Carl-Wery-Straße 34
81739 München


Please contact the support via email:

If you need support for BSH-FX China click here.


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Das Impressum der BSH finden Sie hier...